Protecting Your Children in a Choking Emergency With LifeVac®

LifeVac® has given peace of mind to thousands of parents and guardians
At LifeVac® we are proud of the peace of mind we have provided parents and guardians, as well as the hundreds of children we have helped save in a choking emergency. One LifeVac® device covers the whole age range in a family.
Frequently Asked Questions about LifeVac
From 4 months old to 16 years of age. LifeVac® has helped save children’s lives who have choked on many different items. These items range from hot dogs, grapes, marbles, coins and hard boiled sweets to leaves, stickers, crisps, pancakes, carrots and much more.
Discover how LifeVac® is safeguarding schools’
Did you know that a child’s esophagus is roughly the width of your little finger?
When you look into the facts of choking and combine them with the average response time in the UK for an ambulance, the statistics are quite scary.
The UK currently has an 8 minute target time for an ambulance to reach an urgent incident. If you look at the time you have to remove an obstruction in a choking emergency before death, you begin realize how limited you are:
4 – 6 minutes of oxygen starvation means brain damage is possible.
6 – 10 minutes of oxygen starvation means brain damage is probable.
Over 10 minutes of oxygen starvation means the victim is likely to die.
First aid courses are a must have. But what some people do not understand is how effective first aid choking protocol really is. BLS first aid protocol (abdominal thrusts and back blows) is only 70% effective, when performed correctly in a perfect situation.
If someone cannot receive the abdominal thrusts, this 70% effectiveness drastically drops to roughly 30%. LifeVac provides a solution in a choking emergency, when all other methods fail or cannot be performed. Below is a perfect example of another child saved by LifeVac® captured on CCTV when all else failed.