On December 24th, 2024 an 18-year-old girl with Down Syndrome and Autism choked on steak and mashed potatoes causing a complete airway obstruction.

First aid choking protocol was followed. LifeVac® was applied once, and successfully dislodged the food from her airway. The child’s mom described the incident as follows:

“On Christmas Eve night while feeding my daughter she had taken several bites of steak and mashed potatoes. She became quiet and grabbed my arm, I realised she was choking. I am a nurse and I immediately attempted to get in position to do the Heimlich, but she was resisting. I yelled for my husband to grab the LifeVac he had packed. He was back in seconds and immediately proceeded to use the LifeVac one time, and our daughter’s eyes opened and she coughed out steak and potatoes. As a nurse I know my daughter had seconds before she was going unconscious, but with your product my husband saved our daughter’s life.

We know 💯 your product saved our daughter’s life. If my husband hadn’t packed the LifeVac, I know our daughter’s outcome would have been drastically different.

We are forever grateful for your product and never leave home without it. I have also bought a LifeVac for all my children’s homes. We will be forever grateful for your product.”

– Tracy R

LifeVac Home Kit and Travel Kit Bundle

Keep your family safe at home and on the move. This bundle comes with the LifeVac Standard Kit and the LifeVac Travel Kit.

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