LifeVac Registers Another Life Saved

We received news that a 61-year-old man choked on a hamburger causing a partial airway obstruction. LifeVac was utilized and successfully dislodged the food.

Below is the testimonial from the gentleman’s brother:

The incident happened back in 2021. My twin brother suffered from a condition called PSP- a frontal lobe disorder for which there is no cure. As his disease progressed, he was unable to feed himself, let alone walk or talk. I was watching YouTube one day when I came across your advertisement. I was about to SKIP Ad when I saw a man in a wheelchair and the situation looked familiar. My biggest fear was that I would be feeding my brother and he choked to death under my care. I saw the benefits of your product and bought it immediately. It is a decision that will go down as the best decision I could possibly have made. One day I was feeding him a White Castle Burger, but I must have left it in the microwave for a few seconds too long. My brother took a bite and swallowed but it became lodged in his throat. The look in his eyes told me everything. It was the look of sheer terror as he could not speak. I jumped into action and grabbed the device and followed my initial training. The first time failed because my brother’s mouth was not open enough. I collected my thoughts and took a deep breath. I knew that this product was NOT going to fail. So the second time I had him open his mouth as wide as he could and began to use the LifeVac. Within three plunges, the WCB has dislodged. When I saw my brother take a breath of air, I was so relieved because he would surely have died-there is no doubt in my mind. He and I both thank you. I don’t think I could live with myself had he choked to death in front of me and I was unable to do anything about it. Thank you SO much and God Bless.”

— Brother

Sadly, his brother passed away from complications of the disease. Our deepest condolences go out to the family.

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