Toddler Saved with LifeVac in a Choking Emergency

LifeVac are delighted to share details on another life saved

A 1 1/2-year-old little boy choked on a strawberry causing a full airway obstruction. The child was not able to make any noise. The boys mother attempted back blows 4-5 times. Choking BLS first aid rescue procedures were unsuccessful and the child became limp limp before his mother’s eyes. The mother quickly grabbed the LifeVac, placing her little boy on his back and on the second Place, Push, Pull motion dislodged the food from his airway. The terrified child began to cry.

LifeVac dislodged the strawberry from his throat. Although it was a terrifying experience, I’m so glad we had the LifeVac. My mother bought it for us when I was pregnant with my son.

— Mother

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