6-Year-Old Chokes on Grape and Saved with LifeVac in a Choking Emergency

LifeVac announces another life saved

It has been reported to us that a 6-year-old little girl in Texas choked on a grape. The grape caused a total blockage of her airway, LifeVac was then used and dislodged the grape saving the little girls life.

Here is the aunt’s testimonial on the choking scare:

My niece came over and grabbed a grape before I could cut them. I always have because I had a fear of this happening if they’re not cut. She put the whole grape in her mouth and started choking. She didn’t chew it well and started choking. My brother tried doing the Heimlich while I looked for the LifeVac. When that didn’t work we used the LifeVac. The first time it wouldn’t do anything. The second time the whole thing popped out. We were absolutely relieved. She felt better. We called our nurse and we kept an eye on her. She was fine after the fact.

— Auntie

I don’t know what we would’ve done if it wasn’t for LifeVac. I’m so happy I decided to buy it even tho it was a “just in case”. My niece is doing great and she is alive because of this device. LifeVac saved her!

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