LifeVac Saves Female Residents Life In A Choking Emergency

The team at LifeVac Europe are very pleased to share the wonderful news that LifeVac has saved another life in the adult care sector.

It has been reported to us that LifeVac was used within a Hallmark care home to help save a life in a choking emergency.

An elderly female resident with Down Syndrome was sitting down enjoying her meal when she came into difficulty. Food had become lodged in her airway creating a full airway obstruction.

Hallmark care home employees acted quickly delivering BLS choking protocol. Unfortunately, back blows and abdominal thrusts were not able dislodge the full airway obstruction.

A nurse quickly retrieved their LifeVac device from their wall mounted kit and within seconds, on the 1 st application LifeVac dislodged the food and the resident made a full recovery, avoiding a trip to A&E.

A free replacement LifeVac was dispatched the same day.

“Good device and easy to use.” – nurse

Daniel, from LifeVac Europe commented: “We are very happy that LifeVac Europe has saved another life and we are proud to support Hallmark care homes with the outstanding quality of care they provide. We have saved over 186 lives now in a choking emergency when all else has failed or BLS choking protocol cannot be performed, making a huge impact with one of the leading causes of accidental death in adults over the age of 65.”

LifeVac Europe have worked with and equipped thousands of care and nursing homes across the UK from small independent providers to to the largest care home provider HC-One. We support a lot of people to prevent the risk of choking death and from different sectors.

Is LifeVac Approved? Can I use LifeVac?

LifeVac is a class one medical device that is FDA, MHRA, UKCA registered and CE accredited.

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