LifeVac saves first life within HC-One – The UK’s largest care home provider

We are very pleased to share amazing news that LifeVac has saved another persons life in a choking emergency, in the UK care sector.


Like hundreds of care providers across the UK, it wasn’t that long ago when HC-One decided to go the extra step in the the quality of care they provide by equipping LifeVac across their 329 care and nursing homes around the UK.

“Founded in 2011, our objective is to make a real difference to the lives of older men and women in communities throughout the UK. Now with over 300 care homes, we’re proud to provide positive, personalised care and support to more than twenty thousand Residents who live in our homes, encompassing memory care, nursing, residential and specialist care. At HC-One, we’re pleased to work with, train and develop more than twenty thousand caring Colleagues who deliver round-the-clock care and support.”

The decision to roll out LifeVac  across the UK’s largest care home provider, like so many others proved to be a great one when a LifeVac was deployed to save a life in a choking emergency.

A resident who resides in a HC-One care home in Scotland, began to choke during meal time on a piece of roasted cheese. The obstruction in the residents airway turned into a full airway obstruction within seconds. Staff acted quickly delivering BLS protocol which sadly could not dislodge the obstruction. A nursing assistant grabbed the LifeVac device out of it’s wall mounted case and applied the LifeVac device which dislodged the full airway obstruction on the first application saving the residents life in seconds.

The resident was given a medical examination following receiving BLS protocol and was given the “all clear”.

"Very good device, I'm a nursing assistant, so have dealt with choking incidences before. I have seen LifeVac being used before so I knew it was good" 


"Really easy to use & effective"

—Care Home Manger

"It's amazing news to hear that LifeVac has been used again to save another life in a choking emergency. This time within the largest care home provider in the UK - HC-One. We have now worked with over 4600 care and nursing homes across the UK and proud of the reputation we have within the adult care sector"

—Lea from LifeVac Europe

LifeVac Europe are very proud to continue to be the safest, most effective and the only non-invasive airway clearance device around. Proven by a recent independent peer reviewed publication carried out in the medical school at the University of Warwick, UK. This published randomised research study compared LifeVac to abdominal thrusts, LifeVac to Dechoker and Dechoker to abdominal on usability and effectiveness. LifeVac was found to be far superior and easier to use, dislodging the obstruction 99% of the time, with 82% being dislodged within under a minute. Dechoker dislodging the obstruction 74% of the time, with only 44% being dislodged in under an minute and the abdominal thrusts dislodging the obstruction 71% of the time and 66% being within under a minute.

To read the full peer reviewed publication click here.

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