LifeVac saves another child’s life when faced with a choking emergency!

We are very happy to share brilliant news that LifeVac has been used again in a choking emergency.

Our partners LifeVac Spain, shared the wonderful news with us today after receiving LifeVac’s medical feedback form from the little girls mother.

4 year old Rocio from Brunete, Madrid (pictured above) just like most children, was eating dinner with her parents. This time, dinner took an unexpected turn when Rocio began to choke on her fish.

Rocio’s mother acted quickly delivering back blows which failed to removed the assumed partial obstruction. She then went and grabbed her LifeVac and applied it to Rocio who was now laying down on the floor. Having never had to use her LifeVac before, with one application the LifeVac dislodged the fish that was blocking Rocio’s airway.

"This is such amazing news to hear, especially after reading such tragic recent news of little Sadie Salt who tragically lost her life choking on sausage while at nursery in Radlett, UK. These are the outcomes both tragic and fortunate that keep us fighting, pushing on to make LifeVac widely available to the general public in the UK. LifeVac has now saved over 98 lives from choking to death when BLS has failed, over 34 of these lives have been children from as young as 11 months old. With new devices available on the market with little to no medical testing showing efficacy it makes our journey harder, but we will keep pushing so that the UK will join every other country in the world where LifeVac is freely available so that no other child has to lose their life to choking and no other parent has to go through the pain of losing their child. One day we will reach our goal of getting non-invasive hand held suction devices into BLS protocol and raise the 70% effectiveness to as close to a 100% as possible"

— Eric Banagan: Managing Director LifeVac Europe

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