LifeVac used AGAIN in the UK Care Sector!

It has been reported to the team here at LifeVac Europe that LifeVac has been used for the first time within TLC Care in their Cambridge Manor Residential Nursing Dementia Care Home.

It seems we are sharing every week now that LifeVac is used to help dislodge an obstruction in a choking emergency whether that be a full or partial obstruction. Soft obstructions such as yogurt, porridge, coleslaw, phlegm to hard solid obstructions such as meat, hard boiled sweets, grapes and so much more!  When the casualty has been sitting, standing and laying down, all when BLS has failed or cannot be performed.

A resident was enjoying their dinner, but came into difficulties and began to choke which became a partial obstruction.

BLS was carried out by the quick thinking staff/nurses which unfortunately failed to dislodge any of the obstruction. Staff quickly used LifeVac to dislodge the food bolus.

TLC Care luxury homes offer personalised care, designed to provide each resident with the support they need to live a fulfilling and active life. TLC Care provide Residential, Nursing, Dementia and Respite care.

"This is great news to receive, as we have partners who help us safeguard vulnerable people in the UK care sector such as The Care Shop , Beaucare , Help Save Lives and Wightman & Parrish there are many care groups and homes who have equipped LifeVac that we don't know about which makes it even more of a surprise when it is reported to us that LifeVac has been used. Each time LifeVac is used successfully or unsuccessfully we send out a confidential feedback form for our clinical files. This helps us improve our services and also helps us keep track of when a LifeVac device is used. To date we have now saved over 86 lives from choking to death when BLS has failed or cannot be performed and there have been zero reported unsuccessful uses of LifeVac. This is something we are extremely proud of."

— Marie: LifeVac Europe

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