LifeVac saves another child’s life from choking to death.

LifeVac Europe was informed once again of saving another life. 11 month old, Meadow was eating an orange when it became lodged in her throat. She was coughing and gagging at first but it quickly turned into a full airway obstruction and the child was turning purple. Her mother quickly removed her from the high chair and administered back blows and the abdominal thrusts but all attempts were unsuccessful. She laid Meadow on the floor utilizing the LifeVac which dislodged the obstruction saving her child’s life. She was checked by a medical professional the same day.

Testimonial from the parent on social media:

“My baby almost died tonight, and I’m still so sick to my stomach over it. #LifeVac saved her life. My daughter was sitting in her high chair snacking on an orange when she started choking. I pulled her out and tried back blows, but she only seemed to worsen. I tried the Heimlich but that didn’t help either and what was partial seemed to become a full blockage as she started turning purple. I had my LifeVac on the counter because we only bought it about 2 weeks ago. Thank God I was able to dislodge the orange piece and she started to recover. A little voice kept bringing me back to the LifeVac, and I’m so glad I listened and purchased it. I’ve saved our girls from choking 3-4 times before, sometimes back blows and sometimes the Heimlich. This time was different and so much worse. I was completely helpless had I not had this life saving device. I highly recommend every house have a LifeVac on hand, as well as daycare’s and schools. I’m sooooo thankful to God and LifeVac that my baby is full of life.”

"This is fantastic to hear! Another life is saved due to Meadows quick thinking mother and LifeVac. One day in the near future non invasive suction will be in BLS protocol and devices such as LifeVac will have the opportunity to save thousands of more lives each year when abdominal thrusts and back blows fail".

— Eric Banagan: Managing Director LifeVac Europe

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